There will always be ONE…

Who told you that you have to try on 100 different dresses before finding the ONE?

Did you date 100 people before you felt that sense of commitment and security with your partner now? You said yes to your Fiancé whenever they asked YOU to be the ONE.

Maybe you did date 100 people, maybe you did try on 100 dresses and if you did that is okay. Moral of the story though whether you try on 100 dresses or 10 there will still always be one that gives you this incredible, indescribable feeling that you are a bride.

Hello my friends, my name is Caitlyn Meyer and I am the Manager of Emerald Bridal Lounge and odds are you have seen my face on our website, Instagram and maybe even a magazine. I couldn’t keep up with the number of wedding dresses I have put on and modeled. As much fun as it sounds trying on soooooo many dresses can start to take a toll on you emotionally, mentally and physically. There are days where I put on one of our newest arrivals that we couldn’t wait to get in, then I realize how unflattering it is on me and my body type. That is OKAY though! Not every dress was made for me and my body type because every body is different and that should be accepted. Even though there are some dresses I have put on and thought “OKAY DAMN, I look good..” there has only been one.


The ONE dress out of the hundreds I have put on flattered me the way I wanted, made me feel supported, I felt stupid pretty and most importantly I could see myself getting married in the dress. I saw it all.. how I was going to wear my hair, what mountains I wanted to be at, now all I needed was my man to propose, Am I right???

Even though I am in no rush to get married or have a wedding but if I had to get married tomorrow I know exactly what dress it would be. Nothing could compare…

The grass could be greener on the other side though?

The grass COULD be greener… but what if it is turf?

The same saying goes for wedding dresses, I promise there will always be better… IF you keep looking.

But what if that “better” doesn’t flatter you?

What if that “better” doesn’t come in your size?

What if that “better” is going to cost you $10,000?

What if that “better” puts you through hell and back?

If you love 98% of the dress do not throw that 2% away if you’re looking for that 100% love.

Nobody is perfect, no wedding is perfect and no dress is perfect. But when you find the ONE it will be a perfect moment and feeling you won’t ever want to lose.


Caitlyn Meyer


Your cookie cutter guide to a flattering wedding dress…


Setting yourself up for the BEST possible dress shopping experience